
With Botox, it is possible to open the deepening wrinkle lines, relieve muscle pain, prevent excessive sweating and treat migraine. If you are planning to have botox in Ankara, you can contact us by calling 0532 692 00 91 or using the whatsapp button below for detailed information and botox price in Ankara. You can find general information about Botox and answers to frequently asked questions in the rest of the article.

What is Botox?

to Learn Botox Price in Ankara: 0532 692 00 91

It is a toxin obtained from the bacterium “Clostridium botulinum” and is abbreviated as “botulimum toxin”. This toxin affects nerve endings and prevents communication between nerves. The cessation of communication between the nerves reduces or eliminates the activities of the muscles and organs that will be affected by the nerves. This substance, which is used in many different diseases in medicine and can be produced in a laboratory environment, is also used for aesthetic applications.

For What Purposes Is Botox Used?

– Opening of wrinkles lines that are formed in line with the repetitive facial expressions of the person and deepen over time
– Relief of muscle pain
– Migraine treatment
– Prevention of excessive sweating
These are the areas where botox application benefits people.
How is Botox Application Performed?

In line with the expectations of the person and the determination of the physician, the areas where botox application will be performed and the amount of botox to be used in the application are determined. Botox application does not require general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is applied to the area where the application will be made, and botox is placed at the target points determined under the skin with the help of injection in line with the treatment plan created. The procedure is terminated by performing external interventions such as cream and cold application to prevent possible redness and swelling.

How Long Does Botox Application Take?

Botox application can be completed with a 15-minute process within the examination conditions. In this respect, the person can return to his daily life after this method, which is practical and can be carried out even during the lunch break.
How Long Does the Effect of Botox Application Last?

Botox begins to show its effect gradually in the first week after application. This effect, which lasts for 3-4 months, disappears after the 6th month. Botox application, which is not permanent for life, is a repeatable procedure after the effects of its application disappear. With repeated applications several times, the level of effect and permanence can be extended.

Is Botox a Risky Application?

Since it is a procedure that does not require general anesthesia, the risks associated with anesthesia are eliminated. Although it is performed for aesthetic purposes, it should not be forgotten that Botox application is a medical procedure and must be performed by specialist and experienced physicians. This point, which should be paid attention to, constitutes an important condition both in the detection and prevention of risk factors and in the success of the application.

Botox Application & Price in Ankara

Factors such as the area where Botox will be applied, the width of the area where the application will be made, the characteristics and amount of the material to be used play a role in determining the botox price. For more detailed information on the subject, to make an appointment and for the price, you can contact us at 0532 692 00 91.

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