Upper Face Botox

Upper face botox application is one of the most applied areas and methods. This method has been applied from the time when Botox first appeared. Undoubtedly, our face is the first area that attracts people’s attention. Therefore, Botox is applied in order to have an aesthetic appearance.

What is Upper Face Botox?

Botox is applied to the face and especially to the upper lines. It has been applied to areas such as the smile line, temples, forehead and chin. It takes place in order to remove the wrinkles on your face. It eliminates all the problems that arise not only due to aging  but also due to collagen deficiency.

How is the Botox Application Done?

The upper face botox application is completed in a short time in certain ways by the specialist. The amount of the special substance that will create the Botox effect is adjusted depending on the condition of the patient. After this adjustment, the substance is applied to the lower muscles by the injection method. With the filling of the wrinkle areas, a sharper, fuller and straighter line is obtained on the face.

Who Can Have Botox Application?

There are certain complaints of people who have had or will have Botox application. The first of these is undoubtedly the wrinkles that appear on the facial lines. Wrinkles are undesirable, especially by women. This treatment is applied to eliminate wrinkles. However, this is not the only reason.

Facial sagging and loosening of the skin are one of the reasons for upper face Botox. Thanks to the injected mixture, a tighter skin is created on the face. Thus, the sagging skin is collected. However, the person should not lose their mimics while performing this application. Special applications are made carefully in order to make the application look natural.

Only one point should be corrected. Botox applications are not made and done only for aesthetic concerns. At some point, it is also preferred to eliminate health problems. It is the most popular application of recent times, especially to reduce migraine pain.

What are the Benefits of Regular Botox for the Face?

It is possible for the mixture used during the Botox application to stay under the skin for a certain period of time. After a certain time, depending on the melting of the substance, the old appearance appears on the skin. Therefore, the upper face Botox application creates a process that needs to be repeated. Of course, regular facial Botox also brings certain benefits.

Having regular Botox makes it possible to have an aesthetically pleasing face. It causes your skin to always be young, taut and wrinkle-free. Thus, you can reveal the beauty you have by appearing much younger than your age. If you are also complaining about your appearance you can choose this application.

When Will the Change Before and After Facial Botox Become Visible?

Upper face Botox application will bring results after a certain period of time. You should wait at least 1 week after the application in order for the Botox to fit into the area and create a change in shape. You can get the result at the end of a week in order to get a clearer appearance by eliminating the swelling and redness.

The stated duration is 1 week on average. In some patients, earlier results can be obtained depending on the suitability of their skin. Your change will continue for 6-9 months after the results. However, starting from these months, your appearance changes depending on the past. At this stage, it is necessary to repeat the Botox process.

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