Botox for Sweating

You can overcome the sweating problem you experience in summer and winter with botox for sweating. Sweating does not occur in a common amount for each individual. Especially in people whose sweating glands work hard, there is an uncomfortable sweating. You can say stop to this situation with Botox that causes problems in terms of appearance and odor.

What is Botox for Sweating?

Botox for sweating is a method applied to areas that cause sweating. Thanks to this method sweating is prevented that causes discomfort. Since it is not possible to stop sweating with natural methods prevention studies can be carried out depending on the procedure to be performed by the specialist.

How is Botox for Sweating Applied?

During the application, the nerves that cause sweating are targeted. The nerves that cause sweating are blocked with special instruments. Blocked nerves cannot reveal sweating for a certain period of time. Therefore, patient cans get rid of sweating complaints for a certain period of time. The application takes place in very short periods of 10-15 minutes. Cream is used to numb the area before the application, the patient does not feel any pain.

In Which Areas Is Botox Applied?

Sweating is not limited to the armpit, which is the first area that comes to mind. On the contrary, sweating can occur in many areas of our body. At this point, the application areas of Botox will also expand. In the service you request from the expert, it can be applied in three different areas such as armpits, hands and feet. You can have the procedure done depending on the part where sweating is most common.

Comments of Those Who Had Underarm Botox

The armpit is the area where sweating occurs the most. For this reason, armpit Botox is most often preferred. Although the results vary depending on the person, there is mostly satisfaction. As long as you have your procedure done through a specialist in the field you are likely to be satisfied.

When Does the Botox Take Effect?

Although Botox applications for sweating shows its minor effects from the moment it is applied, it is necessary to wait for its clear results. In most cases, the result of the application occurs in 1-2 weeks. The process of blocking the nerves is only achieved during this time. However, it may differ from person to person and in some individuals the effects occur earlier than 1 week.

Is Botox Applications for Sweating Harmful?

If you do not have previous knowledge about <botox for sweating application, you may experience uneasiness about it. However, you should know that the effect of the application continues for a period of 6-8 months. Since it has an effect over a certain period of time, it is not possible to have permanent or temporary damages.

One of the issues to be considered in terms of harm is only side effects. Side effects may occur after application. Only redness and swelling occur in the application area. These conditions will disappear in a few days.

Botox for Sweating Prices

The cost of Botox for sweating is a factor that varies. Fees should be learned directly from the clinic from which you will request the service. You need to act regardless of the fees on the internet. Because fees will vary widely. If you also have sweating complaints, you can contact us to get information about this service.

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