Cellulite Massage

Since massage for cellulite treatment is an application that increases circulation and provides fat burning, it provides an effective solution in cellulite treatment.

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the loss of elasticity of the skin as a result of the increase in the fat cells surrounded by the connective tissue in the subcutaneous region, stretching the connective tissue and changes in the connective tissue whose nutrition is impaired. Genetic predisposition, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet are the main factors in increasing the problem of cellulite. On the other hand, excessive and irregular weight gain and loss and pregnancy can also trigger cellulite formation.

What is Massage?

Although massage is considered as an enjoyable application due to its relaxing and restful properties, it also provides important medical benefits to people.

A massage application, which creates physiological, biological and psychological positive effects on the body of the person with interventions made by using hands or massage tools from outside the body, is a traditional therapy method based on a long and historical past.

How to Perform Cellulite Treatment with Cellulite Massage?

Cellulite Massage application is carried out by providing natural massage oils that provide lubricity and moisturizing, and basic technical movements such as rubbing, patting, kneading, hitting with a certain rhythmic order and repetition on the skin.

What are the Advantages of Cellulite Treatment with Cellulite Massage?

It accelerates blood circulation in the body.

It is stress relieving, relaxing and restful.

The natural body oils used during the massage contribute to the moisturizing and revitalization of the skin.

How Long Does Cellulite Treatment Take With Cellulite Massage and How Many Times Is It Done?

Depending on the purpose of the treatment, the Cellulite Massage application takes an average of 20-30 minutes in the legs and hips, and 10-15 minutes in the arms and abdomen.

Depending on the degree of cellulite and the desired results, applying at least 10 sessions, twice a week, in the treatment of first and second degree cellulite. In the treatment of third and advanced cellulite, it is recommended that at least 15 sessions, 3 times a week are applied.

In the application of Cellulite Massage, the person’s regular continuity in the treatment affects the results positively.

Are There Any Side Effects and Risks of Cellulite Treatment with Cellulite Massage?

There are no known side effects of the Cellulite Massage application.

Even though it is performed for aesthetic purposes, the Cellulite Massage application should be performed by professionals and experienced people. This important point constitutes an important condition both in the detection and prevention of risk factors and in the success of the application.

Other Cellulite Treatment Methods That Can Be Applied With Cellulite Massage

See Carboxytherapy

See Lipolysis with Mesotherapy

See Mesotherapy

See Pressotherapy (Lymphatic Drainage)

What is the Price of Cellulite Treatment with Cellulite Massage?

Centers approved by the Ministry of Health cannot share price information on the website due to legislation. For more detailed information and price information on the subject, you can contact us by calling 444 57 07.

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