
If you want to have facial aesthetics with filling in Ankara, as with other aesthetic applications, the address you can trust is Mayasante aesthetic clinic in Çukurambar, Ankara. Unfortunately, due to legal regulations, we cannot publish Mayasante Ankara filling prices on the website. To get a filling price in Ankara, you can fill out the form on the contact page or call 0532 692 00 91 or get price information immediately via whatsapp by using the whatsapp button at the bottom right.

Facial rejuvenation aesthetics with filling in Ankara Mayasante

The filler is effective in eliminating the signs of aging that appear over time in the face area such as wrinkles, sagging and fine lines. The most important factor in using the filler application for face shaping is to provide the desired volume with the content of hyaluronic acid.

Non-surgical facial aesthetics

Having non-surgical facial aesthetics with filler applications is the first choice of patients who do not want to go under the knife in recent times but who want to have a more aesthetically desirable appearance in the face shape. As is known, surgical operations require a certain period of rest and recovery after the operation. On the other hand, medical filling applications for non-surgical facial aesthetics are simple injection procedures that can be performed within 1 hour, that is, even during the lunch break of working people. The fact that surgical operations require general anesthesia and incision and involve a low level of risk since they are more invasive operations are also an effective factor in patients’ orientation to medical aesthetic solutions.

Filling material: Hyaluronic acid

In all medical aesthetic filling applications, the use of materials that are not foreign to the human body is preferred. Hyaluronic acid is the material that is transferred to add volume to the related area in the filling application. Hyaluronic acid, a polysaccharide with a high water-holding capacity, is a substance that already exists in the human body and can be absorbed by the body. In order to improve the under-eye area, which is a more sensitive area, in under-eye filling applications, polyvitamin support, which is a material that contributes to the body, can also be added to the filling content.

Is Filling Permanent?

The most definite difference between filling applications and general surgery operations is that the aesthetic change provided by medical aesthetic methods is not permanent. Unlike the surgical application, the desired effects after the medical aesthetic applications performed with the content of filling material vary according to the region, but continue for 12-16 months. Because the effect of fullness in the area with the application disappears over time with the absorption of the hyaluronic acid, which is the filling material compatible with the human body.

It is also possible to repeat the application at certain intervals, in consultation with the physician, throughout lifetime. In other words, the desired aesthetic facial appearance can be maintained with filling (non-surgical facial aesthetics) applications to be performed at intervals of 1 – 1.5 years on average. You can find more detailed information about the filling applications performed on different areas of the face from the links below:

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